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Temokake apa sing dikandhakake para pelanggan babagan ketemu karo platform sing serbaguna lan pangguna-loropaken.
QR Crisis Averted
Just had an urgent issue with some QR codes that was potentially devestating to our client but I connected with Andriana and she helped me out very quickly and crisis averted!! Thank you thank you thank you so amazing, quick response and successful outcome. It's so worth having an account with ME-QR - you guys ROCK!
The best customer service
The best customer service, so far. Quick replies. Very serious and customer orientated. Third times (one before buying a package, using a trial) i contacted support and every time the same: quick reply, very resonable time for fixing bugs, even for new features (problem sent to developers ASAP and fixed)
George Iancu
ME-QR is outstanding!
ME-QR is outstanding! Their customer service is top notch and fast. Their features are fantastic and stand out as the best and most affordable in the market. If you're looking for a reliable QR solution, ME-QR is the way to go. Highly recommended!
Tera Workspace
QR code ads issue
We had used the website for generating only one QR code and we were getting ads which we wanted to get it removed. The team helped us immediately in removing the ads and resolving our issue. Excellent support team. Thanks a Lot
Ashok Kumar
Awesome service
Awesome service, I paid subscription for one month and everything was great. System automatically renewed my plan but i wanted refund. Their team refunded me in 3-4 minutes. Great experience !
Curaprox Prox
Great customer service!
Really appreciate the tracking stats and exceptionally fast customer service I've received using Me-QR!
Layanan pancen gratis, nanging sawise pindai, kita bakal nuduhake pariwara (Google Ads). Kanggo mbusak pariwara lan entuk luwih akeh statistik, sampeyan bisa tuku akun premium kita. Sampeyan bisa ndeleng prices kita ing Kaca rega
Ing versi gratis lan premium, kode QR ora duwe wektu kadaluwarsa
Kita duwe konstruktor menu digital. Sampeyan bisa nggawe QR kanggo menu kene. Kabeh sing dibutuhake yaiku file PDF karo menu sampeyan. Banjur pilih gambar lan tombol sosial, upload menu lan generate kode QR
Yen sampeyan pengin ngganti link ing QR sampeyan kudu mlebu ing situs kita
Dadi Mitra ME-QR
ME-QR bakal entuk dhuwit kanggo pangguna sing nggawa pelanggan menyang situs web sing tuku tarif Premium.
In today's fast-paced educational environment, institutions are constantly seeking ways to streamline processes, enhance learning, and provide better access to resources. QR codes, with their ability to store and share information ...
In today’s fast-paced real estate market, staying ahead of the curve is essential. QR codes are becoming a game-changer for real estate professionals, enabling them to market properties more efficiently and engage clients in ...
QR codes have become an essential tool for businesses, revolutionizing the way marketers and advertisers engage with their audiences. With the ability to bridge the gap between offline and online experiences, QR codes for ...
Restaurants with QR codes are here to stay. QR codes simplify processes, improve customer satisfaction, and help businesses operate more efficiently. From QR code restaurant ordering to seamless payments and reviews, the ...
The tourism industry thrives on delivering seamless and engaging experiences to travelers. As more people rely on mobile devices for information and transactions, QR codes have emerged as a powerful tool to enhance ...
QR codes have emerged as a powerful tool for transforming customer experiences in retail. Whether used to direct customers to product information, simplify payments, or promote loyalty programs, QR codes in retail stores offer ...