Significant benefits of using QR codes in infographics

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QR Infographics

Infographics are a valuable tool for visually presenting information that can simply and clearly explain anything. This type of content attracts attention, contains comprehensive information in an easy-to-understand way, and therefore is in great demand among users. Thanks to these properties, infographics are in demand in modern visual marketing.

But there's a problem: if you add the link to an infographic, there is no way you can make it clickable. To access the information, a person must enter the site address by hand. It’s not convenient to type even a short link, and when it comes to a long link, there is a high risk of making a typo and not getting access to the website. Fortunately, you can solve this problem with a QR code generator.

QR Code Generator

Why you should generate QR codes for infographics

QR technology provides users with quick and easy access to links on infographics. By pointing their smartphone camera at a QR code, they will be immediately redirected to the website to read the information they want or to perform the needed action.

This tool will help you not to lose your potential clients and increase their number. Let's look at some advantages of using QR codes on infographics.

Generate QR Infographics

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QR Code Generator

High content value

Despite all the benefits, infographics have limited options for follow-up interactions with your audience. Without a link to your website or social media, users can’t learn more information, ask questions, and take other targeted actions.

QR Content Value

You can solve all of these problems with a QR code generator. Create a QR code with a link, image, video, or other relevant content. For example, you can add a link to your fitness studio's YouTube channel to an infographic with instructions on barbell exercises.

Create QR Code

Modern and eye-catching design

Infographics imply placing valuable and concise content. Users know infographics only have relevant information, and the layout simplifies its perception. And you can generate a QR code to match the infographic.

Try to customize the QR code's design according to the project's stylistic concept. Choose a unique frame, suitable code shades, and other decorative elements to create a homogeneous design for the final infographic.

QR Code Design

Access to scan statistics

Dynamic codes allow you to keep track of your QR code's statistics. For example, the number of scans, the list of countries where your code is mostly scanned, the devices used to scan it, etc. Based on these analytics, you can improve the effectiveness of your promotional campaign by applying QR codes.

Moreover, infographics with QR codes are not limited in placement methods. You can share your content on printed materials (like brochures, business cards, and flyers) and online (on social media, websites, advertising platforms, etc.).

QR Statistics

How to create a QR code for infographics

It's quick and easy:

– open the ME-QR generator and select the content type ("link" in this case);

– paste the link in the corresponding field and generate a QR code;

– customize the code (if you want) and download it in the proper format (SVG or PNG);

– place your QR code on your infographic design, and you can start to distributing it.

Customize QR Code

It takes a few minutes to create a QR code for an infographic. And as a result, you'll get multiple benefits. So take advantage of all the QR code generator service has to offer!

Manage your QR codes!

Collect all your QR codes in one place, view statistics, and change content by creating an account

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QR Code
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