QR code for Linkedin: how it works?

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QR code for profile in Linkedin

QR code for Linkedin profile is a way that makes it easier to find and query a contact in this online service. Linkedin profile QR code automatically redirects to your profile, after a user scans the QR code with a mobile device.

Linkedin QR code: advantages of using

Firstly, the Linkedin QR code can be easily created using online services and then it is convenient to use it, just scan it with a device. Also the user needs to pass verification after he scans the Linkedin QR. Accordingly, the other user must accept the request. This allows all users to have complete control over their profile.

Linkedin QR code with logo
How to create Linkedin QR?

Create Linkedin QR code: short instruction

It only takes a couple of minutes to create a Linkedin QR code. Foremost, you need to find a QR code maker, which will allow you to create code online and free. Afterwards you should copy the URL of your profile and generate it on any online service.

How to choose a QR code maker?

There are many sites where you can create a QR code, but just on our site you can generate codes in any format and for all social networks, including for Linkedin profile. Also, this site is the best QR code generator with the Linkedin logo. You can use this function for the visualization of your QR code.

QR code generator for social networks

Frequently Asked Questions

Generating a QR code for Linkedin will make it easier to find and request a contact. You will not need to manually search for a contact, you just need to scan the code. It will take a few seconds.
You can use your QR code anywhere. For example, place it on flyers and brochures, add it to your website, or simply share it with your friends.
To do this, open the scanner on your mobile device and scan the QR code of the profile of the user whose contacts you want to add. After that, the QR code will automatically redirect you to the profile of this user.
Everything is very simple! Copy your Linkedin profile URL and paste in the appropriate line. Click "Generate QR Code" and then save.
You can redesign your code to make it original and more recognizable. For example, experiment with color, add a frame or a picture. If you are a business owner, it might be appropriate to add a logo. This will make your code more clickable.
Sure you can! QR code allows you to edit all the information, even if you have already saved it. To do this, simply go to settings, make your edits and save.