Practical ways of using QR codes for texts

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QR with texts

With QR technology, users can generate QR codes with different content. It can be a PowerPoint presentation, PDF file, image, video, business card, link, etc. The text QR code is the simplest one among available code types.

Everything is as simple and fast as possible, and if you want to see the instructions for creating a QR code for text visually, watch our video.

How to create a QR code with a text

Despite many video and audio content advantages, text content remains a priority for modern users. You don't need headphones or high-speed Internet to read a text. Instead, you can read it on a ride by public transport or during a 5-minute break at work.

What's more, it only takes a few minutes to create a QR code for a text. Open the ME-QR generator, select the "Text" code type, add your text content, edit it to your liking, and customize the code appearance.

Because of text content popularity, interactive codes with text content have also become more widespread. So let’s see for what purposes you can create and use QR codes with texts.

Text QR Code
QR Instruction

User manual

Manuals contain handy information for users. User guides explain how the device works, how it’s installed, what safety precautions you should know, and more. But paper manuals are no longer relevant because they are hard to store and inconvenient to use.

A perfect alternative is to create a QR code with the most relevant information in a text format. This will help with storing, editing, and updating instructions for the use of equipment. It will also make the information more readable and navigation through the content easier.

Book annotation

It would help if you didn't judge a book by its cover, but many people do. A rare reader will pay attention to the annotation to learn more about the author and the book. And if you create a QR code online with a short book description and place the code at a book store, you will attract the attention of your target audience.

The QR code can easily include an extensive book summary and even more. You can also add an author's biography and other details that may interest your readers.

QR Book Annotation
QR Showplace

Information about a showplace

Any city landmark can catch the interest of a citizen or a city guest. Until recently, preference was given to information signs, but today there is a more functional alternative. Just make a QR code with a brief description of the object:

- firstly, it would be easy for a person to scan the code and read the text on their smartphone;

- secondly, it will save city authorities or the owner of the object the bother of designing the sign, printing, and placing it;

- thirdly, it will be possible to earn money on interesting content in QR codes (namely, on advertising) if you use the Me City service.

To achieve the listed objectives, use a QR code generator: create a code, print it, and place it near the showplace.

QR Сode Generator
QR Exhibition

Exhibit description

Visiting a museum is a fascinating pastime. But looking at art without learning about its meaning and artistic value is not enjoyable. That's why museums have curators who tell fascinating and unique stories about the exhibits. But even without a guided tour, visiting a museum can be fun.

To make it fun, you can create a QR code with a detailed exhibit description . In the text, you can mention the object's history, its author, the idea of creation, etc.

The text remains the most popular type of content. So feel free to generate text QR codes for your needs!

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