QR code benefits for mobile markets

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Download app with a QR code

Let’s create a QR code for App Store and Play Market applications

It’s already absolutely clear that the QR code is becoming massively popular. Using QR codes businesses of different sizes and directions can benefit from advertising campaigns and unique branding development. And now the demand for a QR code for an app has begun to grow as it is considered to be the newest way of promotion in the App Store and Play Market.

How a QR code for apps functions

Let's imagine that a customer comes to your Coffee-to-Go point. Upon learning that you’ve launched a mobile application for better service, the customer decides to install one. To do this, one needs to open the appropriate market on the device. 

How to find an application with the App Store or Google Play Store QR code? You no longer have to spell out the name of your application and make sure the clients install the right app. Your clients will be able to do that one their own by just scanning the code and following the link.

This method is extremely simple and convenient: the QR code itself will redirect the user to the required link. The system will also previously determine which OS your gadget is running on - iOS or Android. To enable the user to find the application by QR code, you need to embed your links to the Google and Apple store applications in the QR code.

QR code for apps
Multifunctional QR code

However, there are some special aspects developers should consider. Users with smartphones or tablets on Android need to be redirected to the Play Market by the QR code so that they can instantly install the application for their OS. 

And iPhone and iPad owners need to get to the App Store with the use of the same QR code but using a different link. This is obvious to the user, but the developer needs to think over different solutions for different operating systems. Moreover, if you want to use other operating systems, such as Blackberry or Microsoft's Windows Phone, then you need to cover even more relevant app stores.

However, a QR generator from ME-QR allows you to use your links to different markets and get a multifunctional QR code at once. This is a simple and functional service for creating QR codes. This is why you need one.

 How to put a link in QR code to download an app

To enable a user to download an app using a QR code, you need to create the QR code and place it in a visible place. This can be a landing page, pinned message in messengers, post on social networks - the main thing is that the user notices the QR code, and then everything will be done by our service.

You just need to follow 5 steps:

1. Open the ME-QR generator;

2. Select the type of the QR code you need (Play Market/App Store for applications);

3. Add links to your application (to get your App Store QR-code - in the "https://apps.apple.com/application name" format, for the Play Market - "https://play.google.com/application name", for another market - the appropriate link);

4. Customize your ready-made QR code if you want (add a logo, use a frame, change the color, etc.);

5. Click on the "generate" button and download the finished file.

Now our service will determine the operating system of each new user and redirect them to the proper link. The generation of a unique QR code will take just a second and will give you a lot of advantages!

Create a QR code for an app

Your user will be able to install the application by QR code without thinking about their operating system, program name and won’t be distracted by stuff alike. In turn, the developer won’t be distracted by such marketing trifles as the use of two or more links in one QR code. You’ll be able to focus on more important strategic tasks and future project development.

Try the ME-QR service to create QR codes for free for any application. Just one time learn how to create a QR code for a link and then you’ll make everything in just a few clicks.

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