How to use QR codes in the workplace

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QR for Recruiting

It may seem that QR technology is only popular as a marketing tool. However, interactive QR codes are popular for personal and business use. They have significant advantages both teams and independent professionals can benefit from.

That is why the QR code generator and interactive codes are in demand in large enterprises, startups, and organizations of any scale. A comfortable and productive environment is essential anywhere where people work.

Why QR codes are used at workplaces

The main task of QR codes is work optimization. They are convenient for everyone: those who create them and those who scan them. Regular employees and top managers can use QR codes, as they are universal and have no restrictions in the application.

The key feature of a QR code is storing information of any type and purpose. You can add a text, image, link, or PDF to a QR code and give access to all users. Or you can use a password to limit the number of people accessing the information.

Moreover, you don't need special skills or spend much time in order to create a QR code. You open the QR code generator, choose the type, add the desired content, and generate the code. That’s it. You can also customize the design or configure additional features or skip this step.

Work QR Codes

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Popular types of QR codes for work

At work, you may need any kind of QR code in your work, and the most popular ones are codes for links, videos, PDF files, presentations, etc. Let's look at some of the most popular options and their benefits.

vCard QR Code

QR code for business card

Traditional business cards are significantly inferior to trendy vCards. Electronic business cards look more presentable and are much more convenient to use. Users need to scan the vCard QR code to get your contact phone number, job title, email address, and so on. 

Another thing worth mentioning is the "space capacity" of the vCard compared to a regular business card. Because the space on the printed business card is limited, you cannot put much information on it. Still, you can add much more content to the electronic business card.

QR code for online meeting

Meetings and conferences with employees are an integral part of the workday in various industries. Many companies gave up the traditional format of face-to-face meetings in favor of video conferencing. You can quickly generate a QR code for such meetings.

Usually, a virtual conference link to a QR code is added. Employees will simply scan the code at a scheduled time to join an online meeting. Studies show that this approach saves staff time for more important work activities.

Online Meeting QR
Link QR Code

QR code for links

This is the universal type of code that comes in handy in your work, especially if you work for yourself. You can create a QR code with a link to any website, such as your LinkedIn profile, a personal website with your portfolio, etc. For a freelancer, a website QR code is an excellent tool for finding new customers and increasing your competitiveness in the market.

Interactive codes also make sharing links between office employees easier. You can create a QR code for website pages to share important information quickly and easily.

Using QR codes at your workplace makes a lot of sense. They simplify routine tasks and reduce wasted time, increasing personal and team productivity. It's beneficial for both employees and their managers.

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