Static and Dynamic QR

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Static QR code vs dynamic

Introduction: two types of QR codes

Of course, you were faced with the fact that you’d to choose the type of code: QR code static or dynamic QR code, when making QR code.

Therefore, today we’ll try to answer your questions, find out the difference between static and dynamic QR codes, tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of each, and give short instructions on how to generate a particular type of code.

Static or dynamic QR code
QR code static

What you need to know about static QR code

QR code static cannot be changed after you have created it. It saves info that cannot be redacted. Most often, such codes are used when information does not need to be updated or when this code is applied once.

Where can the static QR code be used?


Both types of codes have found their application in various fields. For example, static QR code can be used in such occasions:

QR code for sites

You may place on information and advertising platforms a QR code, which will direct users to your site when it is scanned.

QR codes for e-mail

The user receives your email id by scanning the QR code. He doesn’t need to enter it manually.

QR Products Purchasing

QR code for visiting cards

With the help of our service, you can fill in all contact info and make a QR code for a visiting card.

QR code for text

You can encrypt some text into the code.

QR code for the menu

If you are planning a one-time or seasonal menu, the static QR code will work in this time.

Of course, these are not all use cases. You can use codes whenever you don't need to collect any tracking metrics and change link to QR code.

Common information about QR dynamic and how to change QR code link

If the static QR code is the type, which remains unchanged, then the dynamic QR code can be edited after you have generated it. How does it work? Short links are used to generate dynamic code, which speeds up downloads and crawls.

And these links redirect the user to the URL of the required site. This URL of the required site can be edited while the short links inside the code remain the same. Dynamic QR codes are easier to scan than static QR codes. Plus, you can track how many people scanned this code.

How to change a link into a QR code
How to change a link into a QR code

How to change the QR code link?

To edit QR code, go to code settings and make changes. It takes a couple of minutes. Therefore, many users prefer to use dynamic QR code. And we will tell you how to change the link in the QR code using our website.


1. After you have created a QR code, look for it on the page «Your QR codes».

2. There is a button «Change». Then you need to insert a new link and update the QR code.

But we want to note that in order to edit the link, you must be a registered user.

Why is dynamic QR code more convenient?


  • Edit QR code online. The capabilities of dynamic code do not limit users. For instance, at any time you can modify the link, document in the code, or just fix the error.
  • Tracking statistics. If you want to know how many people and from what devices scanned code, the dynamic code will help you with this.
  • Creating dynamic code is as easily as creating static code. If you have created a dynamic code, you will not have a question how to change QR code, because it is very easy to do it on our site! We will talk about this further.
Dynamic QR
Choose QR code type

Difference between static and dynamic QR codes

If you use this or that type of code correctly, you will feel the benefits of each. Therefore, it’s hard to say that dynamic QR code is preferable than static QR code, or vice versa.


  • Static code cannot be edited once it is created, and dynamic code can be edited even if you have already located it in printed materials.
  • Static code cannot be tracked, but dynamic code can be tracked.
  • Static code takes longer to scan than dynamic code.


But on our site you can lightly and quickly generate two types of QR code.

Generating codes: quick guide

It is very easy to create static QR code. To do this, you need to choose the type of code to insert a link or text information and generate a code. As an add-on, you can customize it, change the visual design.


To create a dynamic QR code, you also need to choose a type. For example, URL, JPG, PNG, PDF etc. Then enter the required information. For example, a URL to a social network, a URL to a website or something else.


Don’t forget that you can modify the code design, for example, use different colors, logos, pictures. But be careful and make sure that code is clearly visible, it is the correct size and can be scanned without problems.


Download the code in a convenient format and use it for your own goals.

QR code - how to make
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